
Zooplankton play an important role in a lake’s ecosystem and are useful indicators of food web stability. As microscopic animals that consume phytoplankton, zooplankton serve as a valuable food source for fish. KLWA supported a study of zooplankton in Kezar Lake from 2004-2007, the results of which were published in a 2008 article titled, “Cladoceran and copepod zooplankton abundance and body size in Kezar Lake, Maine” by Nichole M. Cousins and Katherine E. Webster from the School of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine, Orono. The results of the study show that the zooplankton population in Kezar Lake was consistent during the sampling period and can be used as a baseline for future studies. The CCO supports future zooplankton studies to assess long-term trends in zooplankton population as a result of climate change or other environmental stressors.

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